蔵の試写会 上映記録


蔵の試写会 その12回目(1)

No.229 B-128『新大陸発見』

プリント題名:新大陸の発見-ヨーロッパ諸国の海外進出-(The age of exploration series The Spanish Explorers)
ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANICA FILMS, Carawley Film/収蔵年:1970/カラー/14分
Produced by ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANICA FILMS, Carawley Films, Production/in Collaboration with Theodore E. Layng, Head, Map division, Public Archives of Canada/Written and directed by Robert H. Black/Art direction:Vic Atokinson/Music:Larry Croseley/Animation cameraman:Ronald Haines/1965 by Encyclopedia Britanica Films inc./Copyright and all rights of reproduction including television, reserved
『視聴覚教育』24(10)(276),日本視聴覚教育協会,1970-10. 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション https://dl.ndl.go.jp/pid/6068192/1/71